About Me

Hello there! Good morning-afternoon-evening-night-midnight-4.am in the morning! Hi!

How are you? It sure have been a long time. Well this is me, this is my blog. You're on the "About Me" page, please, I'm suggesting you, it would be better if you just check my posts. You can navigate away from this page right about... NOW! Click on a post and read it.
Oh yeah, I have to talk about myself. To be honest, I am a person. I have those diagnosis like "procrastination" YES. Totally. I am a self-proclaimed procrastinator, in a honest way. But, I'm trying to let go of that.

I don't know why did I make this blog? At first this was an assignment, it still does.
I love art and literature.

Check out my deviantart, if you like to: http://tealchartreuse.deviantart.com

Enjoy my blog.


Keshia. S
She who wants a  gentle Panda, a gentle Polar Bear, a gentle White Whale, two already gentle Dolphins and a gentle Walrus to live in her backyard, so when she’s sad, she can hug them at night.