Thursday, April 5, 2012

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Which way?

Basically, I never seriously used acrylic before. I always think that acrylics are really hard to use. They dry quickly, not like watercolour (who, oh, that always in my comfort zone) But today, I think I could use my time to study this medium. I have canvas, acrilycs, brushes, craft knive and sponge. Well prepared huh? I bought all of them as one set at Marshall's (when I visit US) I doubt the acrylics quality when I saw the brand, but I try it anyways, the brand doesn't matter when you really want to try something new.

That set has been sitting on my desk for quite a while until I got the bravery to finaly turn my thoughts to actions. I got a grip on my pencil, start to sketch and ended up with street signs. I really like the idea when you want two things to combine although you know that they are two really different things. In this work, is Reality and Fantasy.
Choosing the colour was a little bit hard, because at the first time, I think of colouring this work with watercolour, and now that I got acrylics what colour should I choose? So, I was thinking of something green and blue and just simple mixed colours.

I think this piece ended up nicely. At the end of the day, I still on the watercolour side. But, one painting is not enough to change anyone's mind, well doesn't it?

That's all for now,

- Keshia
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Monday, December 5, 2011


Hi guys, I haven’t been on lately. Whether on this blog or deviantArt. Busy school days and many exams, so usually I just do some painting, involve emotions of course.


And I’m going away next week, so maybe I update my deviantart and blog too.


Bye For Now,



Thursday, October 27, 2011

Free Tree


watercolour on watercolour paper.




I did this last night! Based on a postcard my brother gave me from US. San Francisco.


A little bit imaginary I think. Watercolour paint on watercolour paper.



Mood for Perspective

I’ve been thinking about landscapes recently, and found drawing it very hard and amusing at the same time. Me, a person who don’t have nothing to do, or know what to do with perspective just drew something this morning. School was, you all know how school is. I’m thinking about an imaginative and magical place called “Not-School” And somewhere behind those ideas turn in to actions on a piece of paper. Pardon me, for being completely and utterly amateurish and feel intimidated by something like perspective. Yeah, the p word.PERSPECTIVE. Something that is really hard for me to draw with. Perspective can be a good partner and it can be an intimidating partner to be around with.

Sorry, for being such an amateur in perspective, this is what I did:


I tried. :)



Sunday, October 16, 2011

Line. Coloured. Edited


When I made an artwork, I also consider when I scan this piece do I need a photoshop? Some works do need a Photoshop touch.

Caption: The left one is no-edited, the centre is lineart-only, the right one is the Photoshop edited version.

Photoshop helped us in so many ways. It brings out the colour if you set the settings. It really works and I really like working with it. Especially if the scanner made all of the colour fade, oh yes my friend, you really need a Photoshop help!

The usual ways I use in Photoshop: make a new layer above the original work. Colour the layer colourfully or just choose the colour that go well with the original work. Choose overlay.

Sometimes overlaying colour tends to make the colour disappear so, do with all your power to prevent that from happening, Photoshop will help you how!


Some person who sometimes like to edit with Photoshop,


- Keshia