My quick painting, done the sketch at school, painted it at home. This isn’t a how to, just a walkthrough. Let me tell you a warning. I got to carried away when I did this, so I kinda screwed up the details. Sorry :(
Oh yeah, the tools I used: these brush I found, Koi Watercolour Pencils, paper , 2B 0.7 Mechanic Pencil, eraser my friend gave me (my friend found this eraser out of nowhere, and I keep on borrowing them so he/she just let it go, and gave it to me :) Thankies!), and Sakura Drawing Pen.
First, let start with the sketch, like I said before, I did this in school, well there was no teacher in my class, so why don’t we just draw a little something something?
The sketch is too messy to use, the lines are to0 thick so I have to redo it again. Let me fix it. Why is the sketch needs to be clean? Well, to be honest, I don’t know why. Maybe just to give it finesse or something. But, if you didn’t erase the sketch, it will interrupt your colouring, because you probably confuse about which line which so, erase the sketch is better.
Let’s get on with the colouring. The heart is the main part (also the main idea) of the picture. The hand is also main part but the heart is in the centre of attention so let’s start with them first:
Tips: To thin (thinning?) the layer of a colour, you can add more water on to it, and get a tissue and wipe it off. This trick is pretty useful, and I use it almost all the time.
Let’s get on with the other elements. The hand. It’s very realistic, but I chose to colour it like, not realistically. I just want that spontaneous feel about it. that’s why I didn’t colour it with colour for flesh. It’s for my self expression, remember?
So in the first picture you can see the base colour which is this yellow-brown-golden colour, and then I continue that colour with orange colour, to continue the gradation (second pic) after that I add purple (purplish colour to be exact) It’s pretty shocking right? And then I gave a nice kinda melting thing (?) with paint, that for me it describe vulnerability.
Let’s go to the mysterious person in the back, let’s colour her lips, I want the lips to be sensuous and lively, and make the skin seem dead. Let see:
Sorry, I didn’t photograph the skin in the making, but If you would like to see my first how to (my first post here) It use the same kind of way, the difference is located in different mediums, but the basic I use in the first how to is the same with the one I use in this artwork I’m explaining right now.
Continue to the eyes. The eyelashes, I line it with paint. The eye colour is blue and bluish-green.
After all of the colours are done. Let’s finish with the lines using my drawing pen (Sakura :))
This is the end of the walkthrough. (Sorry for the bad English, and I’m kinda in a hurry so sorry for doing this quickly)
See you later,